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Hamilton Form Company:  A case study in 57 years of supporting precast

Fifty-seven years ago, Hamilton Form Company started, in Hamilton Texas.  The year was 1967 and the company’s mission was to support precast producers and grow the industry.

That same company mission continues today with a focus on the future of the precast/prestressed industry’s challenges, opportunities and how custom forms and equipment will bring solutions.

According to Peter Ollmann, President of Hamilton Form which today is based in Fort Worth, “It’s all we do, one customer partner at a time.  We have expert teams who are solution finding and customer centric.  We work alongside every customer to solve their design challenges and produce forms and equipment for building bridges, stadiums, stairs, pilings and other large infrastructure and facilities.”

One veteran of the company, who followed his father as an employee at Hamilton Form Company is Bob Mills, who today serves as Director of Sales & Marketing.

“I’ve seen double tees go from 4’ wide to 15’ wide, scale and complexity have changed, and so has the precast industry.

Advancements are happening as the industry evolves to meet expectations of architects, developers and producers.  I am proud to have been part of Hamilton Form Company as it has led the way, set standards, thought ahead and exceeded expectations – all this is possible because we ONLY focus on the precast/prestressed industry,” says Mills

“Our corporate mission is to grow the precast industry,” said Ollmann.  “We do that by adding capacity to existing lines, designing new forms for new precast products or providing innovative solutions to help achieve cost, quality or delivery objectives.”

Hamilton Form has had a hand in achieving multiple industry firsts which are in wide use today; 15-foot-wide double tee, adjustable stair forms and self-stressing piling forms.  

In the last half century, the needs of precast customers have changed and advanced.  Form lengths, stressing capacity and the use of automation to improve speed and productivity have all increased.  Architects and engineers are satisfying their customers with more intricate and difficult designs and need customized solutions; no two projects are alike.

The future of precast and prestressed is expected to grow at more than 4% each year as the popularity and use of precast concrete grows.  A lack of workers and the need for more efficiencies continue to push what can be accomplished with precast products.

Hamilton Form Company is proud to have contributed equipment, forms and solutions to customers who built these notable structures:

Stadiums:  Dallas Cowboys A.T. & T Stadium, Texas Rangers, Texas A&M Kyle Field, Minnesota Vikings, Minnesota Twins, Detroit Redwings, Hayward Field at the University of Oregon, Seattle Kraken NHL Arena, San Francisco 49ers, Atlanta Braves and Atlanta Falcons, among others.      

Bridges and Transportation: California High Speed Rail, Tappan Zee Bridge, Chicago Mile Long Bridge, Fort Worth’s 7th Street Bridge and Sargent Beach Bridge.

Other recent and notable structures:  Little Island Park NYC, TWA Terminal, LaGuardia Airport NYC.

For 57 years, Hamilton Form Company is proud to note that supplying solutions with precast equipment and forms is all they do.



Hamilton Form has achieved many industry firsts, including:

  • A 15-foot-wide double tee

  • Casting tables for a precast, prestressed concrete pavement project in Texas

  • Adjustable stair forms

  • Self-stressing piling forms.



Working hand-in-hand with customers, Hamilton Form specialists apply their combined 150 years of experience and practical knowledge to every project. Each form that we are tasked to build is as unique as our customers, and every piece of equipment is designed with customers’ specific needs in mind.

Hamilton Form offers an extensive inventory of plant production equipment to help customers simplify, mechanize and improve production efficiencies. Utility machines and tarp carts help mechanize production and improve productivity, and form cleaning machines, stressing equipment, vibrators, curing covers, steel chamfer strips, and magnetic chamfer and reveal strips simplify and improve all phases of production.



As customers’ needs have advanced, Hamilton Form’s capabilities have grown to meet the challenges. Form lengths, stressing capacity, and the use of automation and equipment to improve productivity have all increased, and this has shaped our process for designing and building forms. New form designs, improved casting methods and innovative plant production techniques developed by Hamilton Form have helped the industry improve efficiency and quality.

Customers have come to depend on Hamilton Form for some of their most difficult design challenges. We have met these challenges by providing custom forms, plant production equipment and customized solutions for countless projects across the United States and Canada.



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